Reading the Carers Action Plan
The Carers Action Plan is a commitment to recognise and support carers better. It is a plan to enable all services to work together to meet the needs of carers.
The action plan is for unpaid, or informal, carers. These are carers who are aged 18 years and over who provide care for people who are 16 years and over, * and are not paid by health and social care services, or the person they are supporting, for their caring role.
Every step of this action plan has been coproduced with unpaid carers from our diverse communities. This reflects the voice of carers, their experiences and knowledge. It has taken a long time to get to this point. There is a lot of information in this document. It was felt important to not only show the actions in this plan, but to describe how the plan developed. Some areas may be of more interest to you than others. To make it easier for you, the action plan is split into two sections:
- The Action Plan
- Carers in Camden
The Carers Action Plan is designed to be dynamic and will change over time. In the Action Plan section, it shows the coproduced principles that should be at the heart of how all services should relate to carers (Part I). Carers have also identified priority areas where all services, but particularly those in health and social care, could make changes to benefit carers (Part II). There is an action tracker (Part III) which shows the identified actions that should be looked at first, and the progress to date. The priority areas and the tracker will be updated as the action plan progresses, things are achieved and areas of focus shift, under the direction of the new carer partnership board.
This will all be led by unpaid carers. Reaching and supporting more carers is key to everything we continue to do.
Carers in Camden has the supporting information for the action plan. This section discusses the definition of an unpaid carer; shows some data on carers in Camden and sets out carers rights. The section outlines how, and with who, the action plan was developed; how the progress of the action plan will be measured and the plans for a carers partnership board.
How to connect with support, if you are an unpaid carer, can also be found here.
A link to the full PDF plan is here.
A link to the full PDF plan in Bengali is here.
A link to the full PDF plan in Somali is here.
A link to the Executive Summary is here.
A link to the Executive Summary in Bengali is here.
A link to the Executive Summary in Somali is here.
A link to the Easy Read plan is here.
A link to the Easy Read Bengali version is here.
If you have any questions about the Carers Action Plan, please contact:
Jessica Lawson, Prevention and Wellbeing Service Manager
Shanta Joseph, Commissioning Manager, Adults and Health
Octavia Aronne, Carers Project Lead, Adult Social Care
Alice Beaumont, Carers Project Officer, Adult Social Care