Health and Hospital Discharge
“We have so much knowledge about the people we care for.”
What matters to carers:
- Greater emphasis on the carers health and wellbeing, including greater awareness of health and lifestyle checks.
- The hospital being able to identify when someone has caring responsibilities when they are admitted.
- Being involved in the hospital discharge process and care planning. To ensure that sustainable care arrangements are in place and to provide insights to medical/social care teams based on their knowledge of the person, and how their needs may have changed following hospital admission.
- Being aware of their responsibilities as a carer following hospital discharge.
- Access to supported housing for adults who draw on mental health services after hospital, both short term and long term.
- Being able to access doctor appointments when needed and having longer appointments to take into account language/communication needs.
- Services utilising opportunities to connect with carers, where they are frequently present, to provide information and advice, for example hospital wards.
- Accessing transport when carers and the people they care for have appointments.