Support for Carers in Camden
“Most scary time for me as a carer is when the person I care for needs help.”
Camden Carers
Camden Carers supports carers aged 18 and over to continue in their caring role and to maintain or improve overall wellbeing. Any carer in Camden, or carer supporting someone who lives in Camden, can access Camden Carers services.
020 7428 8950
Camden Carers offer a wide range of services to support carers including:
- Information, advice and advocacy including specialist advice for mental health, learning disability, dementia and young adult carers (18-25).
- Statutory carer assessments (conversations) and reviews on behalf of the Council. Camden Carers undertake carer conversations when the person being cared for does not draw on Adult Social Care services.
- Health and Lifestyle Checks/Health screening.
- Grant applications for individual carers from a range of funders.
- Carers friendly activities e.g., art group, walks, creative writing, yoga.
- Carers groups including Black Carer Collective, Mental Health carers group, Learning Disability Carers group and older carers/ Dementia Carers group.
- Carer training sessions.
- A range of events either for or about carers.
- Employment support for carers.
- Emergency breaks from caring.
- Counselling service (8 counsellors, offer counselling everyday).
- Dementia day services - offer joint activities for carers and the person they care for.
- Carer led forum, Camden Carers Voice.
- Specific work supporting Young Adult Carers.
Mobilise is an online offer for carers, providing support and services. Carers can be connected into a carers community that can be accessed 24 hours a day. Any carer can access Mobilise services. They have an enhanced offer for carers who live in Camden, or carers supporting someone who lives in Camden.
Services offered by carers include:
- A community platform to connect carers together in a safe space for peer support and sharing experience.
- A website providing information and resources on a range of caring topics.
- Live events including Cuppa sessions on Zoom and lively interactive panel discussions.
- A weekly email newsletter featuring guides and articles as well as local highlights, events and activities for Camden.
- Individual support calls available 7 days a week including weekends.
- Resources carers can connect with in Camden: such as organisations which offer carer discount cards; how to create an emergency plan.
- The Mobilise Assistant, an automated tool ready to respond to carer situations 24/7
- A range of easy to use digital tools to support with finances, benefits and common challenges.
- Automated proactive, personalised support by email
- Supported by a team of carer support specialists providing individual support, community moderation, facilitation and safeguarding oversight.
Adult Social Care
020 7974 4444 and say ‘adult social care’ when prompted.
As a carer you can request a carer assessment (conversation) from Adult Social Care. Adult Social Care will complete this if the person you are supporting draws on their services, for example they receive homecare. If the person you care for is not known to Adult Social Care, then Camden Carers would work together with you to complete this.
You can also contact Adult Social Care if you need additional help and support to live a healthy and independent life.
You may need support from Adult Social Care if:
- you have a hearing or visual impairment that affects day to day living
- you have a physical disability
You might want some support with things like:
- connecting to what’s going on in your local community
- developing or maintaining relationships with friends and family
- carrying out everyday tasks such as personal care, meal preparation
- if you are worried about yourself or someone else
Camden Learning Disability Service (CLDS)
0207 974 3737
CLDS works with people with learning disabilities in Camden. The service is made up of a health and social care practitioners from the council and the NHS.
As a carer you can request a carer assessment (conversation) from a social care practitioner in CLDS. CLDS will complete this if the person you are supporting draw on their services. If the person you care for is not known to CLDS, or the support they receive through CLDS is under 12 hours a week, then Camden Carers would work together with you to complete the carer conversation. has lots of useful resources and videos. It includes easy read information, videos, and websites with free activities and information.
Mental Health
Aside from accessing mental health support through your GP, there are a range of local services and resources available to support mental health. There are dedicated mental health websites that give information on Mental Health Services in Camden:
Mental Health Camden is a website that has local mental health and wellbeing support services in Camden:
The North London Mental Health Partnership (a new partnership which includes the Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust), covers a range of mental health support and groups.
On Camden Care Choices, there is information on specialist services, including:
- Talking therapies (IAPT) and therapeutic support
- Crisis lines and drop-ins
- Networks and peer support groups
- Wellbeing organisations and activities
Camden Careline
Assistive technology describes a wide range of equipment or devices that can help people to live independently by supporting or assisting them in daily living tasks.
In Camden, assistive technology is provided by Camden Careline. The equipment and devices available are simple to use and many of them are operated at the press of a button.
Assistive technology is for anyone who wants to live independently at home. It is particularly useful for people who are:
- immobile or unsteady on their feet
- returning home from hospital
- living alone with memory problems
- victims of domestic violence
- living with long-term conditions such as dementia, epilepsy, heart disease, learning or physical disability and sensory problems.
Assistive technology can be used in your own home, or in sheltered housing. It can also be used by carers to help keep the people they care for safe.
A social care practitioner can refer you to Careline or you can contact them directly:
020 7974 1491 (option 4)
Camden Advice Network
The Camden Advice Network are 12 organisations that provide free and independent advice to Camden residents. They offer help with things like:
- Advice and advocacy for older people
- Advice and advocacy for people with disabilities
- Advice and advocacy for young people (16 to 24)
- Debt and money
- Employment
- Housing
- Immigration
- Welfare rights / benefits
Feedback on the plan
If you have any comments or questions on the Carers Action Plan, please contact: [email protected]