Part III – Action Tracker
Carers, and organisations that support carers, have identified priorities (part II) and the actions to help achieve these priorities. The steps to achieve carers’ priority actions in part II will change over time.
The action tracker shows:
- Current actions – these are the actions that are being worked on now.
- Progress to date – this shows the progress made against the priorities.
Once the possible actions (ways forward) have been mapped, they will be included in the current actions and timelines for delivery will be attached to each of the actions.
The outcome measures, what success looks like, and timescales, will be developed at the Borough Partnership Carers Board.
Priority number |
Area(s) for action |
Steps to achieve what matters to carers |
Outcome measure |
What does success look like |
Borough Partnership Lead Officer (including which department / organisation, or any other services involved.) |
Timescale/ deadline |
1 |
Communication |
Put an extended article on carers in local publication: Camden New Journal, Camden Magazine |
2 |
Communication |
Work with carers to develop language used to describe carers and caring role. |
3 |
Communication |
Develop a list of local places and events that carers services and information about services could be advertised, such as pharmacies, community notice boards. |
4 |
Communication |
Develop leaflets and posters in different community languages – distribute see 3 above. Online versions needed too. |
5 |
Communication |
Services look at how they are using social media to identify more carers, particularly how to reach more young adult carers. |
6 |
Communication |
Connect with organisations who support disabled people to talk about carers |
7 |
Information & Advice |
Carers to help deliver training to services, to share experiences and raise awareness. |
8 |
Information & Advice |
Produce a map of services so that carers know who to contact. |
9 |
Information & Advice |
Promotion of current discount card schemes available for carers. |
10 |
Information & Advice |
Look at all the Borough Partnership websites for the information on carers and update. Possible focus group on this. |
11 |
Information & Advice
Organise carer drop-ins where carers can find out about rights and services, offer talks. Such as libraries, community centres, faith groups. |
12 |
Information & Advice |
Develop some creative ideas for reaching carers. For example: · When carers are accessing things like flu jabs, could this be a time to give more carer information? · Creative use of pharmacies – carers info put on sticky labels when collect medication or put a leaflet in the bag. |
13 |
Information & Advice |
Approach big Camden employers to raise profile of carers and talk about offer for carers. |
14 |
Mental Health |
Look into peer champions for services, this is currently being developed by Mental Health Services. |
15 |
Mental Health |
Ensure mental health at work training is completed by organisations in the Borough Partnership. |
16 |
Carer Conversations |
Scope whether it is possible to have an automatic notification when review of carer conversation is due. |
17 |
Contingency planning |
Establish a process to ensure that contingency plans are triggered in the event of an emergency; and scoping the possibility of an ‘Emergency Card’ scheme. |
18 |
Contingency planning |
Link in with the NHS London Universal Care Plan, which is connected to emergency planning. |
19 |
Young Adult Carer support |
Link in with services that support young carers, to better work together to support transition to adulthood for carers. Continue to implement No Wrong Door. |
20 |
Financial support |
Scope the possibility of Discount cards for use in local businesses. |
Out of the priorities in part II, carers identified Communication, Information & Advice and Mental Health as the areas that needed to be looked at first. This is reflected in the tracker. Some actions, from different priority areas, are also listed as carers felt these were important.